Danubius International Conferences, 7th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives

Recognition of Diplomas and Teaching Practices in the Romanian Universities

Sandra Safourcade, Viorel Ariton
Last modified: 2012-04-01


Abstract: It is of general interest now in Europe the focus on competences acquired in education in general and in higher education in particular. In this respect, there are projects developed in Romania aiming to meet labour market needs with curricula contents in the frame of the European Qualification Framework (EQF). The paper proposes a special view on the subject, with a study on how the teachers may encounter, in the middle, the approaches envisaging the requirements of companies – on one side, and students’ skills – on the other side. The paper subject is a follow-up of studies undertaken in the frame of a project, supported by structural funds and developed in an international partnership at Danubius University, on how companies and students meet requirements of EQF. Envisaging teachers’ role in the required changes toward harmonising competencies to job market needs, the paper identifies the technical and relational aspects through direct investigation (questionnaires) and process analysis of what regards teachers’ involvement in that change. The paper refers to new teaching paradigm required when passing from “traditional” academic teaching to the competences centred education, and to the market needs, based on new educational approaches but also on the current view of teachers on the process. The paper comes with and added value to the subject, aiming education processes and education style changes that can be now implemented in Romanian universities.

Keywords: teaching practice; recognition of qualifications; professional competence.

JEL Classification: A20 - General - Economics Education and Teaching of Economics.