Presentations and Authors

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Legal Sciences in the New Millennium

Restorative Justice between Aspiration and Reality
Constantin Tanase
Aspects On The Involvement Of Citizens In The Decision-Making Process Of The European Institutions
Adrian Țuțuianu, Florina-Ramona Mureşan

Performance and Risks in the European Economy

Performance and Risk in Romanian Tourism after Joining the European Union
Anca Turtureanu

Modeling Growth – between Public Policy and Entrepreneurship

The first year student between values, interests and career decisions
Claudia Talasman-Chirean

International Relations in the Contemporary World. Geopolitics and Diplomacy

Some Aspects Of Partnership Between State, Business And Education In Training Of Specialists
Kostyantyn Tkachenko

Interdisciplinary Dimensions of Communication Science

When the “Weaker Sex” became the “Beauty symbol” – The Feminine Beauty in the Romanian Interwar Press
Fanel Teodorascu
Romanian Journalism - A Few Aspects
Fanel Teodorascu