Danubius International Conferences, 10th EIRP & 5th AGAUC International Conferences

The problems of economy integration of the Republic of Moldova in the European Union system

Gheorghe Rusu, Mihai Bumbu
Last modified: 2015-04-21


Summary: The fundamental problem of association and economy integration of the Republic of Moldova in the European Union is the faster growth of the national economy than the European one, creating an appropriate financial-economic basis, avoiding poverty and increasing the standard of living of the population. The European integration of the Republic of Moldova is really possible in the conditions of essential avoidance of the poverty and economic growth and life quality to a European level.

The strategy and policies of growth, association and integration of the economy of the Republic of Moldova in the European Union was not based on modern economic scientific theories.

As a result, the economic development has been carried out primarily on the doctrine and increasing policy and wrong economic integration, based, primary, on social consumption, which has not given and does not give a positive effect of European integration expected from the reforms implemented in recent years.