Danubius International Conferences, 5th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives

L'adaptation Des Instruments Juridiques à la Nouvelle Architecture Européenne

Sarmisegetuza Ştefania Tulbure
##manager.scheduler.building##: B Hall
##manager.scheduler.room##: B14
Date: 2010-05-14 03:30 PM – 06:30 PM
Last modified: 2010-05-13


The agreements of the first generation combined with the PHARE extended to all CEE countries have the ambition to support and accelerate the democratization and restructuring Eastern Europe countries. It is now important to consolidate this extra support and a recomposition of space around the pole of European Community and beyond its immediate influence sphere, across the continent, including the USSR, with, possibly, the involvement of U.S. and Canada. The location plan showing new lines of forces, new reports, and news breaks, the Community needs to refine his own architectural design, plan and prepare new Extensions, on the basis of association agreements with a new type: the "Europe Agreements" with, in principle, all countries of Central Europe, without condemning the isolation of the other countries, especially the ex-USSR. The association of the non-great power not, in fact, be regarded as a non-relationship. The ex-USSR must enjoy a special relationship when it moves itself even on the path of democratization and restructuring building on existing structures, such as the Council of Europe and the CSCE. The pan-European cooperation is then superimposed European association.