Danubius International Conferences, 8th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives

Employer brand strategies of the Antena 1 and Antena 3 TV broadcasters in the context of globalization / Les stratégies de la chaîne Antena 1 et Antena 3 concernant la marque employeur dans le contexte de la globalisation

Viorica Paus, Andreea Bara
Last modified: 2013-08-14



The "employer brand" concept has recently entered the field of human resources. This study aims to analyze how the two national TV broadcasters Antena 1 and Antena 3 apply this concept and how the employer brand customizes and enhances the distinctive values ​​of the organization through its employees. Ambler and Barrow defined for the first time the term of “
employer brand”, in the Journal of Brand Management in 1996. We conducted an exploratory research in order to identify the presence of branding activities. We used the survey, the interview and the analysis of documents promoting the image of the organization. Correlated results demonstrate that high employee satisfaction leads to enhancing performance, which increases the audience ratings and improves the "brand equity", thus making the human resource part of the organization brand and contributing to its success and international visibility. Given the early exploration of the concept, our research seeks to provide models of good practice for implementing this concept in the human resources policies of Romanian media institutions in the context of globalization.


Keywords: human resources, satisfaction, performance, visibility, value