Presentations and Authors

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Legal Sciences in the New Millennium

Legal relationships between public service operators, users and third parties
Vasilica Negruț
The Need to Set Up the European Public Prosecutor's Office
Liliana Niculescu
The Right to Protest - A Constitutional Right Exercised on the Fringe of Law
Liliana Niculescu

Performance and Risks in the European Economy

Establishing Risk Factors, Shares and Appreciating the Risk Levels within the Audit of Open Auction Procedure
Aurelian Constantin, Carmen Sirbu, Cornelia Maria Nitu

Green Economy and Sustainable Development

Urbanization and economic growth - the environmental impact
Florian Nuta

Modeling Growth – between Public Policy and Entrepreneurship

Modelling finacial policy process
Alina Nuta

New Trends in Psychology

The spoken language and our brain
Lacramioara Mocanu, Camelia Nicoleta Neguț

The Youth of Today - The Generation of the Global Development

The Impact of the Phenomenon of Trafficking in the European Community. Aspects of National and International Legislation.
Mădălina Cristina Nistor, Lucian Florin Botoșineanu
Presumption of innocence and finding the truth - between the desideratum and the reality of the criminal process. Case studies from the practice of the European Court of Human Rights
Razvan Alexandru Condunina, Emil Alin Nedelcu
Presumption of Innocence and Truth - between Ambition and Reality of Criminal Proceedings. Case Studies from the Practice of the European Court of Human Rights
Ana Alina Ionescu Dumitrache, Răzvan-Alexandru Condunina, Emil Alin Nedelcu
The Impact of Trafficking People Phenomenon on the European Community
Ana Alina Ionescu Dumitrache, Madalina Cristina Nistor, Lucian Florin Botosineanu