Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Legal Sciences in the New Millennium

The Constitutive Content of the Robbery Offense in the Romanian Law
Ion Rusu
The Importance of Forensic Expertise in Assessing the Legal Situation of Juvenile Migrants
Lacramioara Mocanu, Codrin Rebeleanu
Adverse Possession in the Romanian Law
Minodora-Ioana Rusu

The European Citizen and Public Administration

Public Procurement of Social Services - a new competitive Framework
Adrian Vatamaniuc, Costache Rusu

Performance and Risks in the European Economy

The influence of the port management models on the level of goods transited through the inland waterways
Andra Turcanu (Marcu), Carmen Gasparotti, Alina Raileanu

The Entrepreneur, the Firm and the Markets in National, European and International Context

Building Virtual Environments for Optimizing Learning Processes Inside the Modern Organization
Dragos Cristea, Luminița Arhip, Marius Ivanov, Cristina Chelariu, Carmen-Catalina Rusu

New Trends in Psychology

Psychological expertise - a new occurrence
Lacramioara Mocanu, Codrin Rebeleanu