Danubius International Conferences, 19th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives
No data - No policy
Last modified: 2024-05-01
Objective: Studying of national strategies in Albania in terms of implementation of the “evidence based policy” principle. Prior Work: as specialist on strategic planning in institute of statistics i have prepared an inventory about indicators on which the strategies are based. Approach: The methodology of this study is based on qualitative method, analyzing case by case every strategy in Albania in terms of using statistical data on the building of the priorities. Results: From this study result that the most of strategies have built need not based on real needs, so are studied 16 strategies and only 4 from them have described the SWOT analyses based on statistical indicators. The "evidence based policy" principle is not applied and the objectives are raised by political incentives at the macro level and as a result the achievement of the objective is immeasurable. Implications: 1. If the strategies/policies in Albania aim to respond to the needs of Albanian society, then it is expected that they are based on an assessment of needs with measurable statistical indicators. 2. If the strategies/policies in Albania aim to respond to the needs of Albanian society, then it is expected that they are based on an assessment of needs with measurable statistical indicators Value: this study offers a clear argument for policy-makers and other stake-holders in importance of the evidence using during the drafting of the strategies in order to build an effective and efficient policy, based on real need and providing a measurable process and results. This is a study that is not elaborated before.