Danubius International Conferences, 19th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives
Drivers and Barriers in the Eco-innovation. Case of Albania
Last modified: 2024-04-29
In development countries like Albania, the new terminology aroundsustainability as eco-innovations, green innovations, or environmentalinnovations, for some companies, they are still seen as challenging to implementsuch technologies, but in other companies that export to the EU, is a must to bepart of a larger market for their products. Furthermore, the literature analysishighlights the necessity of determining the obstacles that eco-innovations facewhen being implemented in developing nations, particularly in areas withabundant natural resources, as in Albania. By examining the effects of thesedrivers and the innovative attitude of enterprises, this study seeks to determine theelements that either support or prevent eco-innovations in this particular setting.The purpose of this research was to evaluate the drivers and barriers of Eco –Innovation in Albania. The study was conducted with in-depth interviews,firsthand observation, and formal documentation analysis within 20 companies.The findings showed that, despite the area's emphasis on environmentalchallenges, there are still few eco-innovation efforts. The companies underinvestigation were indicating a lack of care for regional issues and a low level ofinvestment in environmentally friendly developments. To sum up, this researchadds both theoretical and practical value to the field of eco-innovation studies.First, it examines the factors that drivers Eco innovation in emerging nations andsecond what prevent them on adopting new technologies for being eco-friendly. Inaddition, it offers a broad overview of the primary eco-innovation processes as aprerequisite for the development of eco-innovation locally.