Danubius International Conferences, 19th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives
Citizen rights regarding access to documents held by european National Archives
Last modified: 2024-04-30
Objectives. The article offers a brief overview of the National Archives in Europe. The implications of European legislation concerning citizen access to historical documents are discussed.
Prior Work. By exploring the european documentary treasure, this research examines how access to historical documents can influence the understanding of European history.
Approach. The empirical approach involves asking the question, “What are the current practices for accessing documents in the National Archives across Europe?” by examining the regulations of reading rooms in various countries.
Results. Some countries have stricter regulations regarding access to sensitive documents from certain historical periods, while others adopt transparent policies. Recommendations include: developing an online platform with advanced search options for digitized documents, requests via the portal for subsequent consultation in the reading room; simplifying procedures, ensuring logistics, and implementing training and education programs. Implications. Theoretical implications regarding access to held documents.
Value.The work contributes to the development of existing knowledge by providing innovative ideas in the field.