Author Details
Cretu, Carmen Mihaela, Danubius University, Romania
16th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives - Performance and Risks in the European Economy
The Influence of the Health Crisis on the Romanian Tourism Industry
Abstract -
16th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives - Performance and Risks in the European Economy
Epistemological Aspects Regarding the Behaviors Placed in the Leadership Logic
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18th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives - Modeling Growth – Challenges and Opportunities
Current Trends in International Tourism in the Post-Pandemic Period
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18th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives - Modeling Growth – Challenges and Opportunities
The Image of the Tourist Destination in Romania and the Way Towards an Authentic Country Brand
Abstract -
19th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives - The Youth of Today - The Generation of the Global Development
Taxation of micro-enterprises in Romania-comparative study between 2022-2024