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Tuță, Liliana, "Ovidius” University Constanta, Romania
Tylec, Agnieszka, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Ulian, Galina
Ullah, Assad, <p>Department of Economics, Henan University, Kaifeng</p>
Ullah, Irfan, <span>Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China</span>
Ullah, Irfan, <div>Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology</div>
Umanets, Tanya, Danubius University, Romania
Ungureanu, Adelina, Danubius University, <strong><span>FB IF</span></strong>
Ungureanu, Bianca-Georgiana, <span><span>Universitatea Danubius</span></span>
Ungureanu, Mihai Dragos, Academia de Studii Economice
Ungureanu, Mihai Aristotel
Ungureanu (Oraca), Mirela-Alexandra, Danubius University of Galati
URCAN, CEREN, Currently Erasmus PhD Student in the Department of Economics at the University of Ruse, in Bulgaria. In general, working as Research Assistant at the Department of International Relations at Gazi University ( Ankara), in Turkey.
Ureche, Andreea Manuela, Danubius University Student
Ureche, Cristi, <em>Academia de Poliție ”Al. I. Cuza</em>
Ureche, Maria, Danubius University, Romania
Ureche, Robert Adrian, Danubius University Student
Uritu, Vasile, <span>Free International University of Moldova</span>
Ursache, Mara, phd student
Ursoiu, Alexandru-Bogdan, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Usman, Muhammad, <span>University of Agriculture Faisalabad</span>
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