Conference Policies

Peer Review Process

The quality of the Conference articles is ensured by a blind review process with three (3) national and international reviewers.

When asked to be a Referee for an article submitted to Conference, the title and an abstract of the article, and a suggested deadline will be provided.

If this task is accepted by the Referee within the platform, the article (in anonymous form) will be reviewed within the deadline provided by the editor. Normally the deadline for the review is 2 to 3 weeks.

The Editorial team wants to emphasize that reviews should take a constructive approach to its points of criticism in order to facilitate dialogue and development of the texts. The Editor may return to authors without review any manuscript deemed to be of inadequate quality or inappropriate.

The Referee is asked to list each element of the review in order to facilitate the dialogue between author(s), Editor and Referees about revisions etc. Likewise it is important that the arguments in the review are specified. All reviews must be provided in English. The reviewer has to decide if the paper is to be accepted for publication with or without modifications. Also, the reviewer may present some personal comments about the paper (if appropriate).

Please use the  Review Form for your reviews and comments. The reviews are sent to the Track Director, through the  platform.

The information from the reviewers and editors are gathered and the corresponding author will receive an e-mail with either the acceptance notification with the results of the paper review containing all aspects to be modified, improved, and added or decline notification with the results of the paper review; in case of accepted article the Editor sets a deadline for the return of a revised version (if a revision is called for).  All notified modifications are obligatory for the paper to be published. The Editor can decide if a second round of reviews is necessary after the revision of the article, normally with a deadline of 14 days.

The online platform facilitates the reviewing process by keeping into archive all reviews for each reviewer and each reviewed article for each author.


Archive Access Policy

The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.


About the Conference

This year's conference will be held at Galati, Romania on  12-13th May 2022. In addition to academic and educational exchanges, a special arrangement of the conference.

Paper Topics

Topics of relevance include but not limited to:

1)     Influence of Cultural awereness and heritage in promoting peace education

2)     Education on equitable sharing of earth’s resources in Higher Education

3)     Realization of Conflicts occurrence, avoiding conflicts and peaceful resolution of conflicts Education in Higher Education (Resolving and Transforming Conflicts Education)

4)     Nonviolence and social justice education in Higher Education

5)     Addressing the Relationship between respect for human rights, freedom and trust.

6)     Creating conducive social conditions to peace

7)     Incorporating Education History for Peace into Curriculum

8)     Incorporating alternative peace movement Education into Curriculum

9)     Collaboration between Higher Education Institutions and member countries to promote Regional Economic Development through peace education

10)  The Role of Universities and Colleges in Community Peace Making

11)  Good governance in promoting peace education