Danubius University is pleased to invite you to an extraordinary international conference opportunity in Galati, Romania:

Both conferences will be held in Galati, at the seat of "Danubius" University, during May 17th – 18th 2015.
The Global Advancement of Universities and Colleges (GAUC) is committed to education without borders as the cardinal foundation for preparing global citizens and leaders. GAUC promotes transnational cooperation and collaboration among colleges and universities, excellence in global education and research, and integration of the global community of scholars. Through its emphasis on relationship-building, GAUC provides a platform for leveraging participating institutions' unique strengths across the globe.
The central theme of the EIRP series of events focuses on the EU integration. The participants, academics and researchers, meet yearly, during the second decade of May, in order to exchange information and to conceptually debate the EU integration, its effects on the European citizens, key statistical facts on major European policy areas, the European Union progress, etc. The purpose of the Annual International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives is to provide a forum for exchange of ideas, research outcomes, business case and technical achievements. The subjects of mutual interest debated during the previous editions of the EIRP Conference Series included, but were not limited to: government debt, world trade, environment, migration, information society, dependency on energy imports, etc.
The organizers are looking for original papers, previously unpublished, not currently under review by another conference or journal, addressing state-of-the-art research and development in the following areas:
1. Legal Sciences in the New Millennium;
2. Performance and Risks in the European Economy;
3. Interdisciplinary Dimensions of Communication Science;
4. Globalization and Cultural Diversity;
5. The European Citizen and Public Administration;
6. Quality in Education: Internationalization of Quality Assurance and Management of Higher Education in a Globalized Society;
7. Entrepreneurial Higher Education and Economic Progress;
8. Cross-border Structures and Europeism;
9. Pre-Accession Strategies of the Associated Countries;
10. The Youth of Today - The Generation of the Global Development - special section for Students and MA Students;
11. Educating Integral Innovators in a European Academic Network;
12. Quality Assurance and Accreditation in a Globalized Society (Pros and Cons of American Higher Education Approach).
Professor Dr. Steve O. Michael, President, Association for Global Advancement of Universities and Colleges and Interim Executive Officer, Association of Chief Academic Officers, USA
Dr. Shawn Chen, Founder and Chairman of Sias International University; President of AUAP
Dr. Zapryagaev Sergey, Chief of Accreditation Project for Association of Classical Universities in Russia
University Professor George Teodorescu, Chairman Danubius Academic Consortium, Head of the Institute for Integral Innovation
Dr. Eugenia Karavayeva, Executive director of the Association of Russian Classical Universities
Dr. Michael T.C. Hwang, Honorary President, Xi’an Peihua University, Shaanxi, China
OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: English is the official language of the conference.
Preliminary Paper Submission: March 24th, 2015 on the website of the conferenceNotification of acceptance: April 3rd, 2015
Final paper Submission for the proceedings: April 17th, 2015 on the Proceedings website
Deadline for registration and for paying the conference fee: April 24th, 2015
2015 AGAUC & EIRP Joint International Conferences: May 17th – May 18th, 2015
All papers will be submitted to a scientific review process after which the accepted papers will be published in the EIRP Proceedings, under the ISSN reference 2067 – 9211, included in international databases (BDI).