Danubius International Conferences, International Conference on Contemporary Scientific and Technological Aspects towards an Entrepreneurial Approach

Visual Perception Analysis Using The Kinect Sensor

Valentin-Tiberiu Amortila, Elena Mereuta, George Balasoiu, Monica Novetschi
Last modified: 2022-02-07


This paper attempts to analyze the influence of visual perception on cyclic anatomical movements, as well as the contribution of kinesthetic receptors in the dynamics of movement. It also looks at how the human body adapts to the conditions required to perform certain movements, without differing from unconditional movements. The analysis of the visual perception on the movement requires the study on some indicators that result in a correct movement, an anticipated or delayed movement. Responsible for the transmission of information are visual receptors, vestibular receptors, cutaneous receptors, specific receptors that are in the musculoskeletal system called proprioceptors and that inform about movement, balance, stability. The Kinect sensor was used to analyze the visual perception of the orthostatic position in dynamic mode, which collected data on the position of the center of gravity (set to be the center of the pelvis). The experiment consisted of jumping on the spot of a subject in three stages: looking at a monitor, without looking at the monitor and with his eyes closed. The experiment took place in a room without disturbing external factors (wind, rain, strong lighting, soil irregularities). It was observed that the amplitude of the three coordinates of the center of gravity movement during the jump has the highest value in the case of the closed-eye test, is the variation interval is the largest, concluding an uncertainty of the subject's stability. It was also observed that the standard deviation has the highest value on all three dimensions in the case of closed eyes, which indicates a deviation from the mean value (data are not grouped around the mean value). For the first 60 measurements (approx. 2 sec) the subject does not jump too high reason why the deviation of the x coordinate has no significant values. For the following measurements, even if the jump height increases, in the case of a monitor and in the case without a monitor, the x-coordinate does not have a large scatter. For measurements made with the subject with the eyes closed as the height increases, the x dimension has a large scatter not reaching a size close to the initial position. The increase of the jump trigger has as a consequence the increase of the reaction time and implicitly the correction of the jump, fact proved by the histograms of the frequencies with closed eyes (on z almost symmetrical). The strong correlation between the abscissas and the distances of the jumps with monitor-without monitor is due to the visual perception, which through visual stimuli sends the direction detection information, processes it as a result of the correspondence of the image with the existing ones in memory. symmetry, etc.

Acknowledgement: „This work is supported by the project ANTREPRENORDOC, in the framework of Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2014-2020, financed from the European Social Fund under the contract number 36355/23.05.2019 HRD OP /380/6/13 – SMIS Code: 123847.”