Conference Policies
Peer Review Process
In ceea ce priveste evaluarea lucrarii, se va folosi metoda evaluarii de catre doi recenzori a lucrarii anonime. Pentru a facilita realizarea acestui tip de evaluare, participantii sunt rugati sa inscrie lucrarea preliminara FARA a face referire la numele autorului. Aceasta inseamna ca trebuie sa inlature orice referire la datele personale ale autorului sau orice alte referinte care ar putea dezvalui identitatea autorului. Sunt acceptate doar fisierele cu extensia DOC si DOCX.
Archive Access Policy
The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.
About the Conference
In the modern and postmodern world, entrepreneurship represents the transition from a traditional vision of science and technology, put at the service of societal progress to an integrative approach of the two components in what means the processes of economic development as a whole.
In the transition from the chaotic development of science and technology in modern society, major inequities have been accumulated, which the export of science and technology towards underdeveloped areas has not given the expected results. Entrepreneurship ignores these differences accumulated over time and allows openings to the most advanced science and technology, so that companies everywhere to get involved in the phenomenon increasingly present in everyday life. In order for entrepreneurship to benefit from minimal extensions, it is necessary stimulating public policies, but also changes of mentality among the active population in the field of work. The university is the spearhead of entrepreneurial development, promoting approaches in line with the spirit of postmodern society. Implementing the entrepreneurial strategy at the societal level is a major challenge for the academic environment.