Danubius International Conferences, 9th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

Surface Waters Management in the Republic of Moldova

Tatiana Ion Dudnicenco
Last modified: 2019-06-17


The Republic of Moldova has all types of surface water resources (running waters – rivers, streams; stagnant waters – lakes, ponds, puddles). The hydrographic network is estimated by 3621 rivers and over of 3500 lakes and ponds, including 57 natural lakes. This includes four drainage basins, inclusively of Dniester River with 67%, of Prut River with 24%, and of rivers basins which sheds in the Danube and Black Sea firths with 9 %.   

Surface water management is strategic for the Republic of Moldova because it is located on one of the driest territories in Europe. At present, more stringent problems concerning surface water management are: the insufficient water supply of the population, of agricultural and industrial enterprises; the irrational consumption of drinking water; irreversible losses of drinking water during transport and at technological processes; wastewater discharged, insufficiently treated and unpurified; excessive contamination of surface waters with pathogens; increased risk on the human organism; complex causes of reduced efficiency of water resources management.