Danubius International Conferences, 12th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

Successful Socialization of Junior Schoolchildren with Special Educational Needs in an Inclusive Environment

Yulia Sych
Last modified: 2022-06-17


Today, inclusive education is gaining momentum. Children with special educational needs are special children who need social and pedagogical assistance and should also be included in the holistic educational process, the process of development and socialization. Inclusive education recognizes that all children are individuals with different needs.

The search for new discoveries in solving the task set before education - education "for all" has led to the relevance of the study of psychological and pedagogical support of junior high school students with special educational needs for their successful socialization in the team and beyond.

Socialization of children with special educational needs will be carried out successfully using the following conditions: inclusion of children in correctional games aimed at developing communication skills; use of technology aimed at the development of thinking; psycho-correctional work (games and exercises) aimed at correcting reading and writing disorders in junior high school students with special educational needs.

Psychological and pedagogical support is a complex multifaceted process in which socio-psychological conditions are created for the full development of the personality of a child with special educational needs within its individual psychological and pedagogical and age opportunities in a particular educational space, and includes the following activities: work with the teaching staff; work with parents (legal representatives); work with students. We also consider a favorable psychological climate in the student body to be a necessary condition for the effective and successful socialization of children with special educational needs.