Danubius International Conferences, 14th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

Suggestion in the Advertising Discourse of the Danube Region

Tetyana Soroka
Last modified: 2024-06-11


Suggestion should be understood as verbal and nonverbal influence on the human psyche, which is perceived without critical evaluation, but changes its psychoemotional and physiological state. Suggestive influence is carried out during the interaction of the suggestor (subject of suggestion) and the sugerend (object of suggestion), and the success of such interaction depends on both their personal qualities and situational factors. The analysis of the phenomenon of suggestion allowed us to present the definition of suggestive discourse as a purposeful communicative action in order to influence the subconscious of the addressee to change his psychoemotional and physiological state, which is a set of process and result and includes both extra-linguistic and linguistic components. Suggestion is an integral part of both everyday communication and professional discourse. It is widely used in such a communicative sphere as advertising discourse. Mass media are a powerful source of influence on the subconscious of a large audience, and suggestive technologies are usually used here for advertising purposes. In order to influence the addressee, specialists in the field of advertising use not only individual linguistic techniques to enhance suggestive influence (emotionally-coloured lexical units, tropes, repetitions, enumerations, parcelling, rhyme, paronymic attraction), but also ready-made suggestive texts in which the object of advertising is encoded.