Danubius International Conferences, 14th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

Specific Features of Linguistic Argumentation in Political Discourse

Galina Oleinikova
Last modified: 2024-06-11


The scientific interest in argumentation in political discourse is due not only to the increasing role of politics and politicians in the world and their being in the media spotlight, but also to the emergence and development of a number of new disciplines, such as Image Studies, PR management, Political Psychology and others. The relevance of our work is that, at the present stage of development, Political Linguistics is considered to be one of the fastest growing areas of Linguistics. It deals with the study of ‘political communication’, that is speech activities which aimed at promoting certain ideas, creating emotional impact, in order to encourage people to adopt certain political ideas, decisions and actions. Politics, in fact, is a kind of linguistic activity in which language is used to exercise power. The ability to influence the addressee and manipulate human consciousness through language is increasingly becoming of interest to researchers engaged in discourse analysis, political science and linguistic studies.