Danubius International Conferences, 14th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

Entrepreneurial Potential on Institutional Management under the Conditions of SUERD Implementation

Manuela Panaitescu, Tincuța Vrabie
Last modified: 2024-06-12


The cooperation and sustainability of the states bordering the Danube are the prerequisites for its geo-economic intensification. The strategic value conferring of all riparian states is accentuated by the use of functional mechanisms with an impact on the region, thus becoming a geopolitical lever at the international level. Solving problems based on partnerships concluded between regional and local authorities, and with national and international entrepreneurial bodies ensures cooperation between the EU member states and the Danube banks. The consolidation of the cohesion policies of the states bordering the Danube is the basis of macro-european entrepreneurial strategies and the application of the principles of solidarity and cooperation. The recognition of the entrepreneurial macro-european strategies by the communities and authorities along the Danube, as a tool to achieve cooperation and coordination for an interdisciplinary, and solid economic-social development must be based on the living standards of the citizens. Implementing projects in the Danube riparian space must solve problems common to the authorities and entrepreneurs, by ensuring and rational use of funds, and with results for the benefit of citizens, entrepreneurs, and authorities.