Danubius International Conferences, 14th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

Geodemographic Processes in the Areas of Compact Settlement of Bulgarians in Ukrainian Bessarabia

Vyacheslav Todorov, Victor Khomutov
Last modified: 2024-06-25


The features of the dynamics and movement of the Bulgarian population in different parts of the Ukrainian Danube region are considered. The main features of demographic processes in Bulgarian settlements are determined. The relationship between these processes and geodemographic zoning of the territory is shown. Ukraine has one of the highest rates of population depopulation in Europe. Since the beginning of the intensive phase of Russian aggression against our country, negative geodemographic processes have only deepened. Accordingly, the issue of preserving human potential in the communities of the southwestern part of Odesa region is a problem of preserving the quality of life of the population, a matter of national security of Ukraine, as the region has become the center of export-import operations of the state, and directly affects the development of the countries of the Northwestern Black Sea region. The dynamics of the population is largely a demographic trajectory that Ukrainian Bessarabia has followed. In the last 50 years, the demographic transition from the traditional extensive type of population reproduction to the modern narrowed type of population reproduction has been completed. The characterization of demographic processes in Bulgarian settlements is largely interrelated with the administrative-territorial subordination, location within the district and their population. The main trend in the change in the nature of demographic processes is a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in mortality, which led to a drop in the population of almost all Bulgarian settlements in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The formation of a new type of demographic behavior of the most active part of young people in reproductive behavior in a crisis situation is of exceptional importance. Without the development and implementation of economic, legal, psychological and other measures aimed at transforming the current demographic situation, it is impossible to radically change the nature of demographic processes.