Danubius International Conferences, Digital Challenge Scientific Session 2023
Education awareness in cybersecurity: challenges, perspectives and solutions
Last modified: 2023-10-21
Nowadays, whether we are talking about the recovery period after the pandemic or the conflict situation in Ukraine for almost 2 years, cyber attacks as well as their ramifications have penetrated almost all areas of activity, from small businesses to global ones, from private to governmental or state.
Cybercriminals, not having a certain pattern or work schedule and being in a continuous competition, regardless of the nature of the competitor, they’re using the personal data and information of millions of users through the platforms they use in order to extort or block any entity, whether we are talking about simple people or services from public or private critical infrastructure, in various fields of activity such as health, energy, telecommunications, government agencies, a.s.o. All these interventions in the normal and natural course of things had a major, even global, economic impact that today, Cybercrime is ranked No. 8 by severity over the short and long term, for the most severe global risk over the next decade.
Defending against sophisticated cyber actors requires strategy, timely information, and 24/7 awareness. Awareness, a vital component of cyber security, together with a persevering learning & training of specialist staff are cybersecurity programs’s key components. Learning & training provides information in connection with cyber risks and responsibilities and strengthens awareness of cyber threats in order to create pioneering solutions that address the evolving challenges in cybersecurity field.