Danubius International Conferences, 5th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives

The Limits of the Representative Democracy

Ioan Alexandu
##manager.scheduler.building##: B Hall
##manager.scheduler.room##: Aula Magna
Date: 2010-05-14 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Last modified: 2010-05-13


Between the state political power and the public administration a real umbilical cord exists, an indestructible connection approved by Constitution and laws, represented by a binomial; a pair of constants which are met in any administration pattern from a democratic state namely for one side the subordination of administration towards the political power and on the other side the separation of administration from the political power which is manifested through its relative or functional interdependence.

The subordination and separation are not dichotomical are not incompatible but form what we call in philosophy inseparable opposites or complementary opposites.

Given this connection, we cannot think of an administration as truly democratic as long as the representative democracy has a series of limits which prevent the political power from becoming genuinely democratic

It is attempted, as much as possible in such a frame, to decipher these limits, hoping that at a point in time solutions will be found in order to overcome these obstacles.