Danubius International Conferences, 11th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives

The European projects in the support of Albanian’s VET

Ermira Kastriot Sela
Last modified: 2016-04-04



The main objectives of Albanian society are economic development and integration into the European Union. These aspirations need the acceleration of structural reforms that will allow to Albania to be adapted to modern European societies. In this contest, the improvement on the role played by education, technologies and innovation is very important for the economic and social development of the country. An important object of this article would be the reflection on the role played by the vocational education system in the economic and social development of Albanian society. Generally, VET system is seen as a key factor for the economic growth of a country because he equips people with the skills they need to be protagonists in the labor market.  VET system in Albania has undergone toward many changes in structure and content, with the aim of improving his approach to the requirements of the labor market. However, to provide a vocational education of high quality it’s important to invest more in it, but the Albanian investments in this sector are among the lowest. In these conditions, the partnership with EU offers a great opportunity for the development of Albanian’s VET, to fill the financial and technical assistance gaps. The method used in this article is qualitative. The data are gathered from official sources.  In consideration are taken the reports, studies and statistics get into the sector of vocational education. This paper tries to show  how has Albania used  the opportunities that derive  as a consequence of the integration process.