Danubius International Conferences, 12th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives
Social and Political Organization of the Dacians, from Burebista to Decebal
Last modified: 2017-04-03
During the centuries I B.Hr.-I a.Hr., in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic space, was the period of maximum flowering of geto-dacian civilization, iron age La Tѐne, the classical period of the history of our ancestors. Geto-Dacian civilization reached peak blooming level in all fields — economic, social, political, military, cultural. As a result of the tribal Union, emerged and was developed under the leadership of Burebista, the first centralized Dacian State. After the disappearance of its creator, the Dacian State, became vulnerable, broke up into five parts, of which the most important, had the Centre in the Orăștie Mountains. As a result of the research we descovered that, although he did not known again the politic and military power from Burebista period, under the kings that followed, the Dacian State developed and was a force to be feared for the greatest power of the time, the roman State, in front of which he defended territories on several occasions, both with their own forces, and with the support of various allies. In spite of the brave resistance , the Dacian Army was defeated by the Romans and, as a result of the Dacian-Roman wars between years 101-102 and 105-106, Dacian State disappeared, becoming a Roman province. As a result of this, it opens the way for the formation of the Romanian people and language through the romanization.