Danubius International Conferences, 12th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives

The Impact of European Union Policy in the Management and Financing of the Health System in Albania

Zamira Sinaj, Enida Pulaj
Last modified: 2017-04-02


Albanian health care system is undergoing comprehensive changes. The paper focuses on the system of contributions for health insurance scheme. The paper will argue the need for immediate measures regarding this issue. Based on the primary and secondary data, through an economic analysis is studying the trend of contributor’s number for five years. Are identified the economic, social and political factors, that affect this process and whole health insurance scheme (HIS). In Albania, partly scheme function, an informal labor market, lack of incentives for participation in health scheme, weak administration capacity for contributions collecting and poor structure, regulatory and supervisor and all in all its funding challenges, are the main factors that accompanies for years the health care system and as the result the contributions system for health insurance. The main economic factor is a little economic growth and a problem with which Albania has already begun to face nowdays. In this paper research we want to present the new low reforming in health care system in Albania. Like any robust reform process, we face significant challenges across a spectrum of efforts. Designing country strategies was more time and labor intensive than originally anticipated, particularly because a large number of partners were engaged in the process to determine tough trade-offs. The Albanian Health sector is in the continuing transformation in the function of the realization of the proper standards. To realize the reform in this sector and to help the decision makers in their decision is necessary to have the right information on the source of the financing of health sector, on the destination of the expenditure in this sector and their control. “The establishment of the National Health Service is an integral part of the new Government program and it is also the fairest intervention intended to upgrade the system of service financing at the levels required by providers and recipients of health services.