Danubius International Conferences, 15th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives

Transposing the Istanbul Convention preventions into Romanian legislation Good practice examples in the implementation of public policies in the DV and EO field

Calin Alexandru Stanciu
Last modified: 2020-05-04


The Istanbul Convention represents an illustrative international treaty for human rights with its mainpurpose of protecting women against all kinds of violence. Through its provisions, the conventioncontributes to elimination of all forms of discrimination and promotion of equal opportunities betweenwomen and men by empowering women. The Istanbul Convention is a mixed act (shared policies),which means that a part of its provisions are of national competence and others are of EU competence.Our objective is to emphasize the measures Romania has taken in the process of harmonizing thenational legislation with the Convention provisions, especially by underlining the examples of goodpractice of this activity, the results of wich are recognised at an international level.