Danubius International Conferences, 17th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives

Ecological green tourism. The new trend that can save the economy and nature

Oana Andreea Nae
Last modified: 2022-04-26


In recent years, dedicated to the technological expansion and professional activity carried out online or at a distance, a new trend has emerged in people's behavior, in terms of tourism. And here we refer to the return to nature, with all that entails: accommodation, food, landscapes, location on the map. The most interested in this type of tourism were, at first, the digital nomads, but with the Covid-19 pandemic and the social isolation imposed by it, other categories of the population began to look for and approach the nature, that who provides health, protection and life. Entrepreneurs in tourism, the most financially affected by the pandemic, did not wait for too long and changed direction, moving from tourism dedicated to large groups to tourism dedicated to families, in places as far away as possible from cities, technology or processed food.