Conference Policies

Peer Review Process

In ceea ce priveste evaluarea lucrarii, se va folosi metoda evaluarii de catre doi recenzori a lucrarii anonime. Pentru a facilita realizarea acestui tip de evaluare, participantii sunt rugati sa inscrie lucrarea preliminara FARA a face referire la numele autorului. Aceasta inseamna ca trebuie sa inlature orice referire la datele personale ale autorului sau orice alte referinte care ar putea dezvalui identitatea autorului. Sunt acceptate doar fisierele cu extensia DOC si DOCX. 


Archive Access Policy

The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.


Keynote Speakers

Stefan SCHALTEGGER is currently Professor at Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Germany) and head of the Center for Sustainability Management. He has been, among others, a member of the jury of the German Corporate Sustainability Award, of the Daimler Environmental Award, assessment partner of the German Next Economy Award (sustainable start-up award; since 2015), member of the Scientific Board of the R.I.O. Impulse Management Forum for Sustainable Development (since 1997). He is Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Environmental Management Accounting Network (EMAN) and he is involved in the EMAN International Conferences, promoting all over the world the field of environmental management accounting and sustainability issues.

Adriana TIRON TUDOR  is Professor at Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania. Her main domains of interest are: sustainability and integrated reporting, public accounting, international reporting standards, new trends in accounting education, financial audit, etc., member of IFAC in the Public Accounting Standards Committee of European Accounting Association, al European Auditing Research Network, al American Accounting Association etc. She is coordinating PhD theses at the University of Cluj Napoca and in in co-partnership with foreign collaborators. She is frequently invited speaker at conferences in Romania and abroad. She has numerous publications in her areas of interest and has led national scientific research projects, collaborating with overseas partners.

Francesca MANES ROSSI is Associate Professor of accounting in the Management and Innovation Systems Department at Salerno University, Italy, where she teaches and conducts research on accounting and auditing. She has also trained local, state and regional government officials on public budgeting, financial management and audit practices in Italy and has been active in providing consulting services to public sector entities. Her main area of research regard performance measurement in local government and cultural organizations, intellectual capital, sustainability and integrated reporting, auditing and accounting standards both in private and in public sector. Her publications are related both to private and public sector and in the last years she has developed special skills in the field of IAS/IFRS and IPSASs. Francesca is co-chair of the XII Permanent Study Group of EGPA (European Group of Public Administration), promoting research on Public Sector Financial Management in European Countries and co-chair of the mini-track on Intangibles in Public Sector in the EIASM conference on Intangibles.

Adrian HENRIQUES has wide, international experience of social and environmental issues and organizational responsibility. He has been extensively involved in work on the development of standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative for company reporting of sustainability performance. He is Chair of the UK committees on the ISO 26000 standard for organizational social responsibility and on ISO 22095 for Chain of Custody systems.  He has also been involved in the development of standards for the assessment the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and in the development of British standards on governance and on sustainable development. He was also actively involved in the development of a nanotechnology framework. Adrian has also audited numerous sustainability reports for a wide variety of organizations. He is Visiting Professor of Accountability and CSR at Middlesex University Business School and Chair of the Assurance Committee of Social Value International. He advised on the development of the national CSR plans for Lithuania and Bulgaria. He has produced research on social sustainability, taught widely on accountability and social measurement and reviewed the social performance of numerous organizations.  His publications include: Quantifying natural and social capital: guidelines on valuing the invaluable; ICAEW (2015) and “Corporate Impact: measuring and managing your social footprint”; Earthscan (2010). Website: