Danubius International Conferences, Conferința națională cu participare internațională Repere teoretice și bune practici în psihologie - 1 Editie

The Control of Emotional Impulses

Delia Curteanu
Last modified: 2021-01-22


Just as physical culture increases both in duration and intensity the capacity of muscular effort, making it possible to achieve new performances,  psychic culture educates the tension of mental energy, which will lead to the release of thinking and will from the internal and external influence.`` (P.C. Jagot, 1950)

The subordination of automatisms by consciousness is facilitated by the harmonization of the organism, eliminating, as much as possible, the source of intoxication.  ``The intoxicated one feels and sees through his toxins `` (Dr. Gaston Durville)

Any form of psychotherapy  is doomed to failure, if not doubled by a diet which helps one`s body to eliminate its toxins. Practicing physical exercises constantly is just as important, both for oxygenate and improve blood circulation, and developing volitional strength. Most psychoses go into remission when the patient`s body gets through a detoxification process. There`s a close connection between the emotional state, breathing and eye movements, so if changing the last two, the first will also be adjusted. Agitation, anger and anxiety cause shallow, incomplete breathing, so breathing deeply, abdominally, makes the tension accumulated in the body disappear. A complete breath diminishes the contraction of the solar plexus, a phenomenon that occurs in situations with strong emotional content. The inner agitation is reflected in uncontrolled eye movements, so exercising immobility of the eyes facilitates inner calm.


-breathing techniques and muscular relaxation

-deliberate change of thoughts and practice of mental isolation

-activate the inner control status

-gaze affirmation exercises

-eliminate unnecessary energy consumption by reducing  expansiveness and activate conscious choices of responding to stimuli.

- training the will by practicing the immobility of the body

-visualization and self-suggestion