
The 4th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives

May 15-16, 2009, Galati, Romania


The 4th EIRP Conference will be hosted by "Danubius" University of Galati, Romania


EIRP 2009 aims at the awareness of the integration and at the theoretical anticipation of the stages to cover. The participants, academics and researchers, meet yearly, during the second decade of May, in order to exchange information and to prepare, conceptually, the integration with no negative effects on the European citizens;


  1. Public and private law in the European context;
  2. Aspects of the banking – finance field on the European background;
  3. Services, tourism and commerce in the global context;
  4. Information technologies and their applications in economy, education and technological transfer.
  5. Communication and public relations;
  6. The history of the European construction and of the EU extension;
  7. The European Union – actor of the international relations;



All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, in paper and in CD-ROM support.
The best papers will be invited to have extended versions published in BDI Journals: Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica or Euroeconomica.


Prelimenary Paper Submission:April 13, 2009  April 30, 2009

 Notification of acceptance:  May 6, 2009

Final Paper Submission and Registration: May 11, 2009


Keynote Speakers


Professor Khaled BOUABDALLAH, Rector of Jean Monnet University, France

Research Interests: economic sciences

Brief Bio

Khaled Bouabdallah, University professor in economic sciences at Jean Monnet University, France, holds the PhD title in economics and he  is the President of Jean Monnet University of Saint-Etienne, France, and the vice-president of the Research and Higher Education Pole of Lyon. His research activities, specialized in labor microeconomics and microeconomics of the economic territorial development, had as results: 28 published pieces/articles, 40 papers at national and international conferences, 28 research reports (national and international organisms) and the supervision of 5 PhD theses, 3 of them in joint guardianship. The international activities of mister Bouabdallah include: European program coordinator (TEMPUS MEDA) and scientific manager of international research programs and reports (CMEP, ARCUS, BIT). He is also expert of international organisms, such as: European Union, CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of the Vocational Training), ILO/BIT (International Labor Organization).


 Available soon.


Associate Professor Christian DAUDEL, Jean Monnet University, France

Research Interests: Physical, Human, Economic and Regional Geography

 Brief Bio

 Available soon.


 Available soon.


Gerhard JAKISCH, Vienna City Administration, Austria

Research Interests: project management

Brief Bio

Gerhard Jakisch works at Vienna City Administration (VCA) MD 27, EU-Strategy & Economic Development, Staff Unit EU-strategy and Project management and holds different positions in Territorial Command Lower Austria. He holds degrees in Veterinary Science and Economics (Scholar of Business Administration – Thesis: How to apply Portfolio Management in Structural Funds Programme Management). Other professional Experiences:  2003 - present: Review and evaluate projects as Freelance Expert - European Commission eTEN programme.


Danubius   -   Border  or river of Integration.

Since the time of the Roman Empire the Dunai has been the most important European River.
Today she is the “European River”. “Die Donau” flows through ten countries, six member states, 2 Applicant Countries and 2 Neighbourhood Countries. Her river basin includes five more countries.

Over the past 50 years the Danube washed away the border of the European Union from Bavaria to the Black Sea and drowned the Iron Curtain and has become a river of hope.
The Working Association of Danube Regions (WADR), founded 1990, the Danube Cooperation Process (DCP), founded 2002, and the European Danube Strategy  (2009) cover the Danube basin and support European Integration even beyond the European Union. The DonauHanse, a Vision of the WADR, supports this process on urban and operative level. They and others act in European cohesion.

But which are the main indicators of European integration:
-    From citizens’ point of view only the last two of the five steps “Schengen” and “Euro”?
-    From entrepreneur’s one the internal market and the Euro?
-    From political point of view the applicant status and member ship in EU?
-    From university one the full participation in RTD programmes? This leaves one question: are we already integrated Citoyen Européen?



Authors Guide


All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference: 978-606-533-013-9, in paper and in CD-ROM support, as long as the final paper (camera-ready) submission and registration document have been received.
The best papers will be invited to have extended versions published in BDI Journals: Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica or Euroeconomica.


There are three types of paper for the Conference, namely:
- Full Papers: Papers allocated 30 minutes for oral presentation (including discussion) and 6-8 pages in the conference proceedings;
- Short Papers: Papers allocated 20 minutes for oral presentation (including discussion) and 4-6 pages in the conference proceedings;
- Posters: Papers presented as poster are assigned a 4-page limit in the conference proceedings.

The total number of pages will be considered after the paper is correctly formatted according to the template.
The author who has an accepted paper, irrespective of the paper type (full paper, short paper or poster), must be registered as a speaker.


The provided template should be used for all paper formats:


The prelimenary paper submission format is the same as the final paper (camera-ready) submission format.
Authors are requested to not modify the given template while formatting their final paper (camera-ready) submission. Each submission will be analyzed and if any formatting error is found, it may be sent to the authors for proper re-formatting.
If the template is not used then the authors have to assure the correct papers formatting otherwise the final paper (camera-ready) submission may not be accepted for inclusion in the conference proceedings.


Authors should submit an original paper in English or French, carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling, using the on-line submission procedure. The abstract must be  written in English.
Papers that are out of the conference scope or contain any form of plagiarism will be rejected without reviews.

1. Prelimenary Paper submission (for review)

A prelimenary paper presents a work where the research is completed or almost finished (it could be an extended abstract). It may be accepted as a "full paper", a "short paper" or a "poster".

A "double-blind" paper evaluation method will be used. To facilitate that, the authors are kindly requested to produce and provide the paper, WITHOUT any reference to any of the authors. This means that is necessary to remove the authors personal details, the acknowledgements section and any reference that may disclose the authors identity. PDF or DOC file format are accepted.

The web submission procedure automatically sends an acknowledgement, by e-mail, to the contact author.

2. Final Paper (Camera-ready) submission (for publishing)

After the prelimenary paper reviewing process is completed, the contact author (the author who submits the paper) of each paper will be notified of the result, by e-mail. The authors are required to follow the reviews in order to improve their paper before the final paper (camera-ready) submission and inclusion in the conference proceedings. Only PDF file format is accepted (for help converting a DOC file into a PDF file you may click here).

* Please use SUBMIT A PAPER button to start on-line submission procedure by creating an account. We recommend using Internet Explorer Web Browser. Some browsers may ask first time users for permission to install a security certificate. Please press CONTINUE / ADD AN EXCEPTION and connect to the website.

3. Registration

After the Final Paper (Camera-ready) submission, please fill in the Registration Form that you can find at the "Registration" field.



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