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Alexandru, Bogdan
Alexandru, Boroi, <p>Universitatea Titu Maiorescu Bucuresti</p>
Alexandru, Boroi, <p>Police Academy ,,Al. I. Cuza" Bucharest&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Alexandru, Boroi, <p>Police Academy ,,Al. I. Cuza" Bucharest</p>
Alexandru, Ioan, SNSPA, Bucharest<br />
Alexandru, Ioan, Centre for Academic Excellence
Alexandru-Petru, Lisievici-Brezeanu, Ovidius University of Constanta
Alexandu, Ioan, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania
Alexe, Eva
Alexe, Petru
Alexe, Sorin, De Novo Puzzles, Princeton, NJ, USA
Alexianu, Ruxandra, Al.I. Cuza University Iasi
Ali, Sharafat, Department of Economics, Government Graduate College Kot Sultan, Layyah, Pakistan
Aliev, Ilkin Emil, Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), Food Engineering Faculty
Alina, Calin, Universitatea Dunarea de Jos, Galati
Alina, Hagiu, University of Pitesti
Alina, Sulicu, stiinte juridice
Aliu, Ylber
Aliu, Ylber, Danubius University (Romania)
Allahyarova, Aynura Fazil, Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Allen, Walter R., University of California- Los Angeles
Alsayed, Shatha Khalid, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University
Altay, Abdullah, <p>Eskisehir Osmangazi University</p>
Ambrozie, Alisa Mihaela, Ph.D. Student, Academy of Economic Studies, Phd School of Economics and International Affairs, Bucharest, Romania
Ambrozie, Alisa-Mihaela

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