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Angelica, Rosu, Danubius University
Angelica, Rosu
Anghel, Alina, Valahia University of Targoviste, Department for Teachers' Training
Anghel, Alina, Valahia University of Targoviste
Anghel Renea, Adelina, <html />
Anghel Renea, Adelina
Anhelovska, Kateryna, South-Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
Anis, Cecilia – Nicoleta, West University of Timișoara
Antemir, Cristina Laura, a.“Andrei Saguna” University in Constanta, Department of Social Sciences
ANTOHE, VALERIAN, Danubius University of Galati, Romania, Address: 3 Galati Blvd., Galati 800654, Romania, Tel:+40372361102, Romania,
Antohi, Liudmila, State University „B.P. Hasdeu Cahul”, Cahul
Antohi, Valentin Marian, <span>Dunarea de Jos University of Galati</span>
Antohi, Valentin-Marian
Anton, Cristina, Didactic Corp House
Anton, Cristina Elena, Colegiul National Gh. M. Murgoci Braila
Antonie, Catalina, PhD Candidate, NSPSPA Bucharest
Antonini, Carla, University of Trento
Antoniu, Predescu, Spiru Haret University
Antonovici, Valeriu, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration<br />
Apetrei, Constantin, “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati
Apetrei, Constantin
Apostol, Andrei, National Association of the Romanian Bar Iasi Bar, Romania
Apostol, Andrei, Danubius University, Romania
Apostol, Andrei, Iasi Bar (Romania)
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