Danubius International Conferences

Danubius International Conferences is a platform encompassing the events organized by Danubius University of Galati, Romania. Our Conferences are of great value, as well as of high quality.

Our mission, as University, is to bring the highest quality research to the widest possible audience. We endeavour to provide our authors with an excellent level of service which allow their research to be  widely disseminated.

International Conference EIRP

The central theme of the EIRP series of events focuses on the EU integration. The participants, academics and researchers, meet yearly, during the second decade of May, in order to exchange information and to conceptually debate the EU integration, its effects on the European citizens, key statistical facts on major European policy areas, the European Union progress, etc. The purpose of the Annual International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives is to provide a forum for exchange of ideas, research outcomes, business case and technical achievements. The subjects of mutual interest debated during the previous editions of the EIRP Conference Series included, but were not limited to: government debt, world trade, environment, migration, information society, dependency on energy imports, etc.

Previous edition was on May 17, 2024 - May 18, 2024

Next edition will be on  May 16, 2025 - May 17, 2025

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The Danube – Axis of European Identity

The central theme of this series of events focuses on the Danubian scientific research. The participants, academics and researchers, meet yearly, on the International Danube Day (June 29), in order to exchange information and to conceptually debate the wide range of Danubian issues. The purpose of the Annual International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity is to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and research outcomes on themes such as: Danubian Economy, River Law, Europeism, Communication, Local Communities, Danubian History and Mentality.

Mobilizing experts from different fields, The Conference regards interdisciplinarity as a goal of university research.

Previous edition was on  June 29th, 2023

Next edition will be on June 29th, 2024


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Education in the Digital Era

A conference on teaching career is always welcome, especially in the current conditions, when the reform is dragging on, and the interest for a teaching professionalism is at a loss. This probably explains the decrease in teaching performance and, especially, the disinterest of society for the school and the educational model in use. Through our conference we present another strategy based on innovation and excellence in the field, which we launch as a proactive challenge in a time of organizational and conceptual confusion. We challenge our Methodist colleagues to come up with reasoned proposals to reshape the education system in accordance with the digital age but without losing the intellectual substance. The conference is the natural continuation of the publication Didactica Danubiensis where we will publish all the presented articles.


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Integration and Innovation: International Conference on Language Services and Foreign Studies in the Digital Age

The “Integration and Innovation: International Conference on Language Services and Foreign Studies in the Digital Age” is jointly organized by Danubius International University of Galati, Romania, and the Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics of China.This conference aims at promoting language services and foreign studies in the digital era. Experts at home and abroad will be invited to make keynote speeches, and scholars in relevant fields will attend the conference.

Next edition will be on  October 24, 2024 - October 26, 2024

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Digital Challenge Scientific Session

The Digital Challenge Scientific Session is an event organized as part of the Digital Challenge competition, which focuses on the presentation and discussion of papers and research in the field of technology and computer science. During the scientific session, participants have the opportunity to present their projects, studies and findings to an audience of experts, professionals and other participants. This session provides an environment conducive to sharing knowledge, receiving feedback and stimulating debate and collaboration between researchers and technology enthusiasts. Participants can present papers and research in various subfields of technology and computer science, such as artificial intelligence, cyber security, software development, computer networks, big data, the Internet of Things, and more. These presentations can be in oral or poster format. The Digital Challenge science session offers participants the opportunity to improve their science communication skills, receive recognition for their work, and network with technology professionals and researchers. It is an important time when participants can present and promote their innovations and discoveries and contribute to the advancement of IT knowledge and technologies.

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International Conference on Circular Economy: Opportunities and Challenges

The International Conference on Circular Economy serves as a multiplatform where interdisciplinary sessions, panels, and working groups will present and discuss new solutions for green economy in its three dimensions – economic, social and environmental – in a balanced and integrated manner. The fundamental target to be reached is thinking again manufacturing systems and intervening on citizens’ consumption habits through the technological, social and organizational innovation. The conference will follow up a broader range of stakeholders, policy makers and experts to discuss policy frameworks at the national and regional levels on pro-poor development strategies, to support accelerated investments and refine the policy-relevant messages in order to obtain sustainable development leading to reduced amounts of natural resources used, wastes disposed of in landfills, and greenhouse gas emitted to the atmosphere.The conference will conclude with a road map to promote practices and mechanisms that are sustainable, in accordance with national policies and priorities among CEI members based on sharing, circularity, collaboration, solidarity, resilience, opportunity, and interdependence.

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Conferința națională cu participare internațională ”Repere teoretice și bune practici în psihologie"

Conferința națională cu participare internațională "Repere teoretice și bune practici în psihologie"

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AUAP Annual Conference on Higher education challenges in the post-Covid19 world

Sustainable survival of our planet relies on Peace among the planents communities. An important aspect sustainable survival of this planet is the increasing emphasis on the peace education to impact students who can better adapt and contribute to the good governance, respect to human rights, freedom, trust, fair sharing of natural resources and adopt dynamic intercontinental culture. It is thus essential to explore how universities and colleges are promoting peace education and how these efforts impact the quality of students and faculty, research productivity, and the degree to which the education sector contributes to the societal transformation. In continuation of transnational academic deliberations and exchange of educational experiences on these issues, the 35th AUAP General Conferenc  will explore new initiatives to promote higher education on peace education and to enhance global collaborations on these issues.

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International Conference on Contemporary Scientific and Technological Aspects towards an Entrepreneurial Approach

The central theme of the Online Conference focuses on Entrepreneurial Perspectives. The participants, academics and researchers, meet in order to exchange information and to conceptually debate the key statistical facts on major European policy areas, the European Union progress, etc. The purpose of the Annual International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives is to provide a forum for exchange of ideas, research outcomes, business case and technical achievements. 

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International Conference Two Democratic Societies in Transition: Exploring the Dynamics of a Post-Covid World

The conference theme is Two Democratic Societies in Transition: Exploring the Dynamics of a Post-Covid World, and it is specifically timed to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership for the 21st Century between Romania and the United States of America.  


Romania and the United States of America have enjoyed a formal diplomatic connection for over one hundred and forty years and the two nations reaffirmed the significance of their relationship with the signing of the Joint Declaration ten years ago.  Both countries endorse democratic forms of government and open economies, and they also have common membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which acknowledges their shared interests as military allies.  
As they emerge from the pandemic, both Romania, a country with a relatively recent history of the democratically elected form of government, and the United States, which prides itself on its history of democratic governance and the orderly transfer of political power, will face significant economic, social, and environmental concerns.  However, recent events in the US have indicated that the commitment to democracy may be less deeply ingrained than observers had supposed.  
Some of these topics, which transcend geographical borders, will be analyzed and discussed during this conference.  Experts from the academic, government, corporate and media sectors, from both Europe and America, will share their observations and insights with the audience, as will student participation from different nations.
This conference also represents a symbolic exit from the pandemic as it is the first in-person gathering of academic colleagues since covid-19 affected all nations around the globe.  However, in order to achieve maximum opportunity for engagement, it will operate in a blended format that will also permit virtual participation.
Last Edition was on September 13, 2021 – September 15, 2021


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EMAN Conference on Social Responsibility and Sustainability Accounting-Key Corporate Performance Drivers and Measures

The Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting Network (EMAN) in association with Danubius University of Galati are pleased to announce the 22nd EMAN conference on Social responsibility and sustainability accounting – Key corporate performance drivers and measures.

In 2018 the EMAN conference will take place in Galati, Romania from June 21st to June 22nd. The city of Galati is situated on the banks of Danube River, close to the Danube Delta in the South-Eastern part of Romania.

The conference addresses issues regarding social responsibility and sustainability accounting. In the context of the sustainable development our focus will be on the key corporate performance drivers and measures. 

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit scientific papers with their analyses (concepts and theoretical analyses), practical experiences (case studies and empirical analyses) or proposition for a round table/practitioners’ workshops.

Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. You are not required to submit a full paper. If you wish to develop your extended abstract to a full paper, you can submit the full paper after the conference to one of several associated special issues. The calls for special issues will be available on the website prior to the conference.

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GAUC Conference

The Global Advancement of Universities and Colleges (GAUC) is committed to education without borders as the cardinal foundation for preparing global citizens and leaders. GAUC promotes transnational cooperation and collaboration among colleges and universities, excellence in global education and research, and integration of the global community of scholars. Through its emphasis on relationship-building, GAUC provides a platform for leveraging participating institutions' unique strengths across the globe.

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The central theme of this series of events focuses on the process of regionalization. The participants, academics and researchers, have met in order to exchange information and to conceptually debate the process of regionalization, its effects on the European citizens, key statistical facts on major European policy areas, the European Union progress but also the issues that remain. The Conference constitutes a major contribution to the advancement of practical and theoretical ideas absolutely necessary in a national and international context still changing and whose development is often difficult to predict through its immediate consequences.


Tema centrală a acestei serii de evenimente se concentrează pe regionalizare. Participanţii, cadre didactice universitare şi cercetători s-au reunit, în scopul de a face schimb de informaţii şi a dezbate conceptul de regionalizare, efectele sale asupra cetăţenilor europeni, fapte statistice cheie, pe domenii majore ale politicii europene şi căile de ameliorare a șocurilor pe care le incumbă un act de o asemenea complexitate. Conferința constituie o contribuţie majoră la progresul ideilor teoretice şi practice absolut necesare într-un context național şi internațional încă mobil şi a cărei evoluție este adesea greu previzibilă prin consecințele ei imediate.

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Annual Postgraduate Students' International Scientific Conference

“Danubius” University of Galati organizes the series of the international session dedicated to the scientific creation of master students.

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STUD-COMP-IMM Workshop Series

The series of workshops wants to identify and quantify the financial impact of economic policies on the SME sector to enhance competitiveness, economic growth and human capital effectively capitalize on local and regional sustainable development perspective.

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UNI4-4 Workshop Series

The UNI4-4 workshop series aims at transferring good practices in the collection, analysis and monitoring of vocational needs and the transfer of methodologies and tools which can be used by a territorial Observatory on the development dynamics and on their consequences on vocational needs.

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Rolul avocatului în înfăptuirea actului de justiţie

 Evenimentul se încadrează în programul de pregătire continuă a avocaţilor, stabilit de  Congresul avocaţilor,  potrivit Hotărârii nr. 14/21 iunie 2008

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International Conference on Internationalization of Quality Assurance and Management of Higher Education 2009 (ICIQA)

The Sixth International Conference on "Internationalization of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education" is a continuation of the series of conferences and seminars organized through the support of IREX (International Research and Exchange Board, the USA) in 2003 - 2007.

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Sesiuni de informare „Antreprenoriatul este o alternativă de carieră”

Prin aceste sesiuni de informare, studenţi din Universitatea Danubius vor beneficia de pregătire, prin cursuri şi seminarii, pentru  realizarea Planului de Afaceri, a Finanţării şi Promovării pe piaţă a unei afaceri. Aceste acţiuni au rolul de a dezvolta spiritul inovativ al persoanelor tinere (şi nu numai) privind în iniţierea de noi activităţi independente, în cadrul campaniei de informare „Antreprenoriatul este o alternativă de carieră".

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