Danubius International Conferences, 5th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

The Danube’s Navigation Regime after the Second World War

Jana Maftei
Last modified: 2015-05-16


We have analyzed in this paper issues such as the reaffirmation of the principle of freedom of navigation on the Danube according to the Peace Treaty of 1947, the adoption of the Belgrade Convention of 18 August 1948 and the Regulation of navigation on the Danube by the provisions contained in this international legal instrument, as well as the new regional realities related to the EU integration at the countries at the eastern boundary of Europe (Romania and Bulgaria). We have argued the need to modernize and streamline the activity of the Committee as determined by the prospect of becoming Danube as a waterway artery of the EU and we have made a number of proposals for revision of the Belgrade Convention. For the elaboration of the paper we have used as research methods the analysis of the mentioned issues from the doctrine’s point of view in the specialized treaties and papers, documentary research, interpretation of legal rules in the field.


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