Presentations and Authors

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Legal Sciences in the New Millennium

Human Rights, International and Constitutional Guarantees - Concept and Evolution. Elements that Lead to the Need for Coding of Human Rights
Emilian Ciongaru
The Autonomy of Cults and the Unassignable Character of the Goods Legally Owned by the Cults
Tiberiu N. Chiriluta

The European Citizen and Public Administration

Using the quality management tool in public institutions
Manuela Panaitescu, Doina Cucu

Performance and Risks in the European Economy

A practical application on the Benford model in identifying the risk of fraud
Alexandru Teodor Coracioni, Florentin Emil Tanasa
The Role of Tourist Resources in Tourist Circulation
Anca Turtureanu, Florentina Chițu
Establishing Risk Factors, Shares and Appreciating the Risk Levels within the Audit of Open Auction Procedure
Aurelian Constantin, Carmen Sirbu, Cornelia Maria Nitu
The Impact of Applying IFRS on the Accounting-Taxation Rapport, at European Union Level
Maria-Virginia Catana

The Entrepreneur, the Firm and the Markets in National, European and International Context

Building Virtual Environments for Optimizing Learning Processes Inside the Modern Organization
Dragos Cristea, Luminița Arhip, Marius Ivanov, Cristina Chelariu, Carmen-Catalina Rusu

International Relations in the Contemporary World. Geopolitics and Diplomacy

A geopolitical and political geography perspective on the integrated development of nations
Pruna Cristea Cristian-Sorin

Interdisciplinary Dimensions of Communication Science

Translating Pharmaceutical Texts for Non - Specialist Readers
Ana Maria Chitac
Ibn Battuta - Enchanting Journeys and Storytelling
Alina Beatrice Chesca

New Trends in Psychology

Traveling between our own fear and courage
Lacramioara Mocanu, Ștefania Ciucur (Frigioiu)

The Youth of Today - The Generation of the Global Development

Presumption of innocence and finding the truth - between the desideratum and the reality of the criminal process. Case studies from the practice of the European Court of Human Rights
Razvan Alexandru Condunina, Emil Alin Nedelcu
Presumption of Innocence and Truth - between Ambition and Reality of Criminal Proceedings. Case Studies from the Practice of the European Court of Human Rights
Ana Alina Ionescu Dumitrache, Răzvan-Alexandru Condunina, Emil Alin Nedelcu