Danubius International Conferences, 2nd International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

Ethnic Communities Situated on the Danubian frame of Doubrodja

Iuliana Titov
Last modified: 2012-05-02


The ethnic structure of Northern Doubrojda is the result of  historical circumstances who permanently shaped the human landscape of this area by population movements,  spontaneous or state organizated colonizations and the oscillations of population on both sides of the Danube. In a rapidly social, political and economic changing, passing from the private property to communist nationalization and after that to restitution, concession, development of tourism, the localities situated on the Danubian frame of Doubrodja, are in a continuous changing. Socio-political realities after 1989, the installing of democracy, opening of the borders, recognition of minorities and informational explosion made possible the opening of ethnocultural information channels with the maternal ethnos, reducing the resistance to the influence of foreign culture. Interaction between tradition and innovation led to the loss or replacement of one parts of ancient cultural traditions, reaffirming the traditional ethnic identities. There is a reconfiguration of the relationship with the Other. On these considerations, an important classification for this area, crossed and populated in short or longer periods by different ethnic groups, is the one based on ethnic criteria.