Danubius International Conferences, 5th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

Participation in the Danube Region Nobility the Financial Sphere of the Region (the Second Half of XIX - early XX centuries.)

Alexander Mihailov
Last modified: 2015-05-15


Nobility of the Ukrainian Danube region had its mental and cultural differences. It was promoted by the special status of this territory and the presence of the various members of this class by the national and ethnic origin. And that’s why, the nobility’s activity  in lending was also diverse. Article is devoted  to coverage  of  financial  and credit activities nobles of the Ukrainian Danube region in the second half of XIX - beginning of XX centuries. It was found that the aristocrats were represented in all of central banking and local credit institutions of this area. It is investigated an influence of the noblemen on becoming of small credit institutions that helped the peasants of Danube region.