Danubius International Conferences, 5th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

The Mythology - The Foundation of the Romanian People’s Identity

Mirela Arsith
Last modified: 2015-05-16


The assumption from which we begin our approach is that the mythology of a people represents the core of building its identity. The myth tells how, due to supernatural beings, a reality was born, be it about the Cosmos, as total reality or only a fragment of the world: an island, a vegetal species, human behavior, an institution, or way to work. The Romanian presence and the symbolism of water in the traditions, the fairy tales are surprising by definition, full of meanings and their characters in the pantheon of local folk beliefs. Water for our ancestors was a prized ambivalent symbol. A primordial substance and essence of all things visible that arise. And they come back by regression and dissolution. Let us not forget the multitude of tales and stories that tell us about the Living Water and Dead Water. Let us not forget that the Dacians, before going to battle, they had their solemn rites were partaking and drank from the water of Istra (Danube) a river considered by them a true ancestor-god. The Danube is with the Carpathians and the Black Sea, one of the major components of the landscape, to which we define Romania on the continent. Our intension is achiving a hermeneutics of symbols of water and the Danube, as they are described in the Romanian mythology.