Danubius International Conferences, 5th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

The Danube Strategy – between the Political Lobbying and the National Branding

Rada Karshakova, Nataliya Venelinova
Last modified: 2015-05-22


Objectives: The paper presents two different approaches to communicate new national identity – the political establishment of Danube region and lobbying process at national and transnational level as well as the branding of the Danube region as the largest European macro region with exclusively strong opportunities, socio-economic and cultural potential for development. In the paper based on the PR theory and practice of lobbying and nation branding we show the way to coordinate two different types of communication efforts at different levels in order to achieve synergy and speed up the acceptance and recognition of the Danube idea by the stakeholders.

Prior Work: The paper focusses on the interaction between the lobbying as communication practice and the nation branding and the effectiveness of the chosen coherent strategy to overcome possible conflicting objective and public scepticism toward the idea of common Danube area.

Approach: For the purposes of this paper we used documentary study on official EU and national documents for the establishment of the Danube region and its strategy, published between 2009 and 2011 where the Strategy for the Danube region were initiated, elaborated and adopted. As supporting study methods we applied elements of conceptual content analysis, case study research and comparative analysis.

Results: The results shows that the communicative coordination between the political decision making process and the public awareness through effective PR campaign  leads to the parallel effect of achieving lobbying and branding objectives in the same time. This could be considered as completely innovative PR practice of integrative campaign

Implications: The key inference of the paper is on the raise of the effectiveness of the PR communication for political lobbying and branding (especially nation branding) objectives in the case of establishment of the EU Danube region as an example of integration of separate PR processes.

Value: The PR practice of integrative campaign as this for the Danube region, shows the potential for development new PR planning algorithm which will change the already known PR models.