Presentations and Authors

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Danubian Economy

Fiscal Control Instrument for Quantifying Tax Evasion
Alin Sergiu Nitu, Aurelian S Constantin
Fiscal Digitalization - The Antidote of Creative Accounting
Alin Sergiu Nitu, Aurelian Constantin, Marcel Constantin
Fiscal Digitalization - the Antidote of Creative Accounting
Alin Sergiu Nitu, Aurelian Constantin, Marcel Constantin
Cost-effective solution for irrigation based on IoT technology
Bosoc Sabina Cristina Sabina, Ioana Esanu, Oana Orza, Madalin Silion, Cristina Balaceanu, George Suciu

Danubian Legislation

Ensuring the Security of Civil Aviation against the Terrorist Phenomenon in the Legislation of the European Union
Alexandr Cauia, Feodor Bria

Local Communities – Diachrony and Synchrony

The Perspectives for Higher Education Development Reflected in the Work Programs of the Governments of the Republic of Moldova (2009-2022)
Elena Mandaji, Sergiu Cornea
Linguistic Means of Bessarbian Life Reflection in Virtual Media Space
Olena Chetverikova
The Contributions to the History of the Forest Fund' Institutionalization of Bessarabia during the 19-20 Centuries
Gheorghe Cojocaru, Cătălina Frangopol
The Formation of Ecological Conscience as a Human and Pedagogical Problem
Snejana Cojocari-Luchian