Danubius International Conferences, 1st International Conference on Education in the Digital Era

Preschool Education in the Digital Age

Ligia Luca
Last modified: 2022-07-13


This paper will identify and solve a series of situations encountered in online education of preschoolers. The unwanted situations with whom we confronted during the lockdown because of scarscov 19, faced by most teachers in preschool education are guides in developing, standardizing and implementing a natural course for organizing online preschool education.The success of online education is represented by the progress of preschoolers by learning the skills, the behaviors and the knowledge specific to preschool age and thus fulfilling as many of the objectives of the curriculum for early education, which underlies the preschool education system, which it regulates. Behaviors, skills and knowledge specific to the preschool education systemto and specific eachexperiential areas and areas of development can be acquired at preschool age only through specific methods, strategies and much richer resources, than in the rest of the educational systems that succeed it. Combining material and human resources with methods and strategies that involve direct educable-teacher interaction is the main factor influencing the success of online education.This paper will bring to the attention of teachers two series of factors that influence the success of online education. The internal factors, represented by the specific characteristics of the level of development of preschoolers and the external factors, represented by the online education, all this must to represent the premises of the online education and determine a series of regulations in the spatio-temporary organization of the online teaching activity, distinct from the didactic activity carried out in the group room of the Educational Unit.