Danubius International Conferences, 1st International Conference on Education in the Digital Era

The Need to Reconfigure the Educational Process in the Digital Age

Gina Brinzan
Last modified: 2022-07-19


The 21st century is undoubtedly the century of digital culture. Education, part of training and development as an individual, must be established by forming a culture of information and digital communication at the level of every citizen.

Young people and children are attracted to digital culture and the technical support that promotes it, so in order to speak their language, teachers need to harness their skills to provide them with new learning experiences. Reconfiguring the teaching-learning-evaluation process is more than a necessity. The inclusion of digital learning in classrooms can range from simply using tablets instead of paper, to using elaborate software and equipment, such as the educational platform.

Digital tools and technology provide children with joy, as well as numerous benefits in terms of their cognitive development. By helping to think outside the traditional and rigid learning framework, through digital tools and methods, creativity is stimulated and gives them a sense of confidence in their own abilities.

By offering a more interesting way of searching for information, the digitization of education can also be reflected in the decrease of absenteeism in schools that already use digital tools. Moreover, when the student can follow his own progress, his motivation and responsibility are increased.

In addition to teachers and parents, they can use interactive activities to encourage the child’s interest in learning. They can also explore online learning activities with their child, which can serve as an extension of what they learn in classrooms.