Danubius International Conferences, 2nd International Conference on Education in the Digital Era

School and education in the digital age

Stanciu Lidia, Beteringhe Adrian, Tureac Cornelia
Last modified: 2023-07-20


For the future, online training will gain a significant weight in terms of the instructional dimension (transmission of information) and, above all, it will address those segments of the population that have formed skills in the traditional training system. However, if for an adult it is more worthwhile to participate in an online training or professional conversion course, than an actual trip to a learning space, for those who are at the beginning of the educational process, the presence in the classroom is indispensable. Change does not only mean technology and innovation, but, above all, communication, but also the ability of the teacher to adapt and reinvent, to create an attractive and generous learning environment and in a virtual environment for his students, will contribute a lot to the success of learning.