Danubius International Conferences, 16th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives
Degradation Mechanisms of Fixed Dental Prosthetic Works: a Systematic Review
Last modified: 2021-05-12
The main objective of this study is to identify the degradation mechanisms which the fixed dental prosthetic works endure during the lifespan. A comprehensive search was performed in all available electronic databases using a search equation based on the following keywords:ceramics, metal-ceramics, biocompatibility, dental alloys, corrosion, wear and fixed prosthetic works. It allowed the identification of retrospective studies of fixed dental works in ceramics and metal-ceramics with a follow-up time of up to 5 years. A lower resistance and durability of the fixed dental ceramic works as compared to the same fixed dental prosthetic works based on metal frame and ceramic has been identified. Wear on the occlusal surfaces, corrosion and cracks due to dynamic masticatory forces and mouth complex environment were identified as major degradation mechanisms that result in premature failure of prosthetic works. The future challenges in the field of fixed dental prosthetic works and the responses of the surrounding soft tissues are also discussed.
Acknowledgments: This work is supported by the project “ANTREPRENORDOC”, in the framework of Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2014-2020, financed from the European Social Fund under the contract number 36355/23.05.2019 HRD OP /380/6/13 – SMIS Code: 123847.