Danubius International Conferences, 16th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives
Production and Possible Marketing of New Antioxidant and Nutritious Juices from Momordica Charantia Fruits, Cultivated in Romania, in Response to Health-Conscious
Last modified: 2021-05-12
According to some studies, Romania has the lowest value of consumption of juices and nectars in the EU, with 2.91 l per capita / year, while European leaders consume ten times more [1]. In general, fruits and vegetables are consumed much less than the minimum total of 400 g recommended by WHO for a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. A varied market and the tendency to adapt to a healthy diet will increase the consumption of juices.This study is about the introduction to the local market of a new juice from exotic cucumbers adapted and cultivated in Romania for a qualitative and diversified diet. The plants of the Cucurbitaceae family have been cultivated for centuries, as food, ornamental and also for their therapeutic benefits. The fruits and leaves of Momordica charantia are widely consumed for their nutritional and health outcomes [2]. For example, oral treatment with Momordica charantia fruit extract of experimental rats caused significant reduction in the blood glucose level in alloxan-induced hyperglycemia, although there was no significant effect on rats with normal blood glucose [3]. This juice can bring great benefits not only to people with diabetes, but also to anyone who is able to consume it, so that by introducing a wide range of new natural and nutritious drinks, we can increase their consumption and promote a healthy lifestyle.
Acknowledgments: This work is supported by the project “ANTREPRENORDOC”, in the framework of Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2014-2020, financed from the European Social Fund under the contract number 36355/23.05.2019 HRD OP /380/6/13 – SMIS Code: 123847.