Danubius International Conferences, Conferința națională cu participare internațională Repere teoretice și bune practici în psihologie - 1 Editie

Evaluation of coping strategies in children belonging to autism spectrum disorder, in the isolated period at home due to Covid19

Gabriela Vasiloaia
Last modified: 2021-03-24


In my work for over 10 years, I have worked with many children with autism and realized how little attention their families receive. When the Covid19 virus appeared, it turned everyone upside down and we had to deal with completely new events and situations. But what happens when staying at home is not as pleasant as we expected? Leaving the sphere of selfishness and turning to those with greater needs, we will notice that the coping mechanisms used are necessary and I was glad to discover that families with a child with autism have overcome the challenges of quarantine, such as: discontinuation of therapies, sports, school, etc.