Danubius International Conferences, Dunarea - axa a identitatii europene - prima editie

Sulina – the key of Danube. A European Vocation

Tudose Tatu
Last modified: 2011-06-29


Founded in 1837 as port and city, Sulina had from the beginning a European vocation, given its placement on the Danube in the Black Sea and its strategic position of ship traffic surveillance by the two powers of the moment (the Tsarist Empire and the Ottoman Empire) who had disputed their primacy in the content of navigation and ruling the river mouths that define the empires and spheres of influence. The conflict situation persisted until the appearance of the European Danube Commission (1856), but the works and construction of river port city have continued, imposing the city as the landmark in navigation on the river-the backbone of Europe.