Danubius International Conferences, 2nd International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

The Territorial Identity – between Archetype and Temporality. Some Exemples for Doubrodja – Danube Delta

Alexandru Chiselev
Last modified: 2012-05-02


The identity of one territory represents the perception of the resultant of material and immaterial cultural components who characterize one space in one temporal sequence.  As I noted above, the components may be visible (anthropic solution adaptive to landscape, architecture, manifestations of the socio-economical factor) or not (aspects of the immaterial patrimony, representations and perceptions, mentalities, habits, attitudes, gestures etc.).  The dynamics of identity is connected to a geographical determinism and a complex of socio-demographical and historical – economical – political - cultural variables. An aspect who requires a deepen research is the phenomenon of ethnicity hybridization by mixed marriage. The effects of the cultural mélange affect at the first level the two partners, at the second level the descendants and finally can modify the identity. After the field research between 2006 – 2011 we can determine the identity change and permanence, at all levels. The structure of population presents mutations: the appearance of other ethnic groups (Hungarians in Gorgova and Crişan; Belgians in Letea; Frenchs near Periprava), the temporary or definitive movement of townsmen in more quiet places (e.g. people from Bucharest, Braşov who build holiday houses and pensions), all in relation to aging and the exodus of the local population to the city (Ukrainians, Russian-Lipovenians, Romanians). However, it still can be found representatives of the old traditional lifestyle, both Ukrainians and Romanians or Lipovenians. They are keepers of some items related to their identity and with the group they belong, and if they don’t practice, they still know the local traditions, crafts, cooking issues, techniques of folk medicine (cutting under the tongue, lying veins in twist cases) etc. Key-words: territorial identity, Danube Delta, geographical determinism, ethnic – mixed marriage, ethnic nicknames.